Mission Statement
Utilizing the Peer Support Specialist to regularly engage identified, hard-to-reach, individuals by offering them their own transformed lives as proof of the power of recovery from substance abuse.
Daily, in our city, misdirected adults, teens, and youth are making the tragic choice to consume drugs and alcohol as a tactic to address life challenges. Citizens of God’s Kingdom are very often too plagued with those exact temptations to befriend toxic substances that can soon diminish the quality of their earthly lives. Leaders in the Substance Abuse Ministry understand the size of these problems in all individuals and the challenges to choose damaging substances to help ones to cope. These trained coaches will know the trauma ahead for those who resist peer support as well will they acquaint their clients with the trends that are defining the size of these quiet family killers.
Celebrating 29 Years!
Weekly Meeting
Substance Abuse Ministry Event Calendar
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For More Information
Contact: Darrell Washington and Anita Edens