MISSION STATEMENT: Delivering the timely correspondence that welcomes new members into the family and warmly extend arms of compassion to reunite ones disconnected by illness.
OVERVIEW: Reach Out & Touch Ministry, organized over twelve years ago by Verna Hubbard, continues to excitedly deliver numerous -just in time- mailings that personally welcomes all new members into this Faith Family. These special efforts are “outstretched” arms and a ray of warmth to those members who are isolated from the congregation because of extended or perpetual sickness.
Monthly, volunteers, resembling an automaker’s assembly line, are busy fashioning an array of greetings with cards, letters and phone calls directed toward the sick and the shut-in community of this congregation and abroad. Jesus taught His followers to show love with a touch. Our elderly and home bound sick, await these caring “touch” correspondences to remind them of their congregation’s continued compassion and concern.
MEETING TIME: First Monday of the month via Zoom
Remember in Prayer
Reach Out & Touch Event Calendar
For More Information
Ministry Leaders: Cecilia Garnett E-Mail: roat@lillygrove.org
Contact: Rev. Terry Thomas @ (713) 748-7324 Ext: 226
Email Address: tthomas@lillygrove.org